The Rooms

  • Don's Study

    The “Waking Reading Man” is a Fort Mitchell legend. Don Newskirk walked the streets of Fort Michell for 30+ years. Not sure where Don hung his hat, but we hope it was a place like this. A single office to concentrate on a project, get one work done or get away from the world. Enjoy

  • The Street's Bureau

    This cozy room pays homage to those who helped shape our community and celebrates the rich history of the streets of Fort Mitchell. The people behind names of roads we take for granted, old landmarks we barely remember and interesting spots we have recent memories at. Set time with friends or sit and strategize with a colleague.

  • The General's Quarters

    This room is special. This room highlights the namesake of our city and the roles he held that helped shape our region. The mural was done by a friend who captured Ormsby and the history of this era and left several things to discover and learn. This is perfect for a team / board meeting, to watch a game with friends or to entertain a client.

our history is important.

At the Fort you will find several pieces donated by community members of Fort Mitchell. We would love to celebrate the history of Fort Mitchell by showcasing key parts & people of this town. All work in the space was created or thought of by a Fort Mitchell resident and we only want to continue growing our conversation pieces. Please contact us if there is something you would like to contribute.